Content No-No’s

Before we begin with the many ways to increase the content on sites, let’s start with some absolute “no-no’s” in content.
1.DO NOT manually copy and paste or use software that employs “scraping” or copying another’s content. Not only is it classless, but the search engines will ignore and possibly punish you for using duplicate content. It isn’t worth the risk of
being classified as spam by the search engines.
2.Do not buy content from article databases for use on your site, no matter how well written or appropriate the articles may be. Additionally, do not rely on text from product description databases when creating content pages. To get a site with many products launched quickly, you may have to accept canned product descriptions initially, especially if it is a pre-packaged commerce site. But you should quickly come up with your own descriptions for each product as quickly as possible, or append the existing descriptions with customized content or reviews. Remember to always go for originality over borrowed quantity.

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